საჭიროა 447 ხელმოწერა
Honorable Members of US Congress,
The Georgian Immigrants living in the United States express their utmost concern over the rapidly deteriorating political situation in Georgia.
The ruling party, Georgian Dream, led by an oligarch Bidzina Ivanishvili, is quickly and irreversibly destroying democratic institutions and pulling the country into the Russian orbit.
The foregoing crisis has been exacerebated by the imprisonment of President Mikheil Saakashvili on politically motivated charges.
We call on the United States Congress to act in defence of young Georgian Democracy, the fundamental rights of Georgian people to free and fair elections, the rule of low and democratic values. Silence is not an option. Democracy in Georgia is in peril. Euro-Atlantic ideals are worth defending in any part of the world.
We urge the Congress to act decisively with all the tools at its disposal, including personal sanctions on the oligarch Ivanishvili, effectivelly governing the country and the members of Georgian government who seem to only serve the oligarch.
We, the Georgian American community, call on all friends of Georgia in the United States Congress to use their moral authority and political leadership to help us save democracy in Georgia.
Pease see attached file full version of petition.