Offline Exams = Offline Education; Online Education = Online Exams
Fellow SDSUG Students !
This petitions exists for only one purpose - let students demosntrate the knowledge they got on the lectures in a fair environment.
If the exams are conducted offline, that should be the result of offline quality learning. Consequently, if the learning process is done online, then the exams should be online as well, because the quality of teaching differs a lot. One simple example is that most professors do not even try to explain concepts or problems on online lectures, they can simply share the screen of some random video and they get paid for that. Most professors (not all) do not feel responsibility of teaching while conducting lectures online, thus, offline lectures are much more efficient even in this sense - professors HAVE TO stand by the board and do something.
Simply put, online education does not give students the knowledge to go and write the material offline that they did not learn because WERE NOT taught.
The reality is that offline learning was indeed better than online learning, there was communication between lecturer and students and professors knew capability of students because she/he was the one who taught them the material in face-to-face manner.
Our request is - Require as much knowledge from us as the university actually gives.